Self-worth and magnetism with Zoe Bosco

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Self-worth and magnetism with Zoe Bosco

Some people you meet have a presence that puts you completely at ease. That’s how it felt sitting across from the dreamy Zoe Bosco recently at a cafe in Byron Bay. For someone who’s spent ten years studying and practicing different healing modalities, you can tell she certainly walks her talk. Zoe is a kinesiologist, doula and spiral practitioner, currently offering private and group alchemy sessions in Bondi NSW and online. Her method explores the root cause of an issue, before clearing blocks on the emotional, subconscious and physical plane to re-shape our external experience and invite more of what we desire into our lives. 

This is an amazing, wise and insightful conversation that’ll be useful for anyone interested in learning more about how to heal past wounds and manifest more good things into your life. We dived deep into topics like how love and money are connected, how it really feels to love yourself and how healing old wounds from kinesiology began to shift Zoe’s life like ‘magic.’  


For those that don’t know you, or for someone that’s never been to your practice before and didn’t know what to expect, how would you describe what you do? 

What I do is so varied, it’s really hard to put into a few sentences. But basically, I’ve been working with kinesiology as my main modality for the last three years. Essentially what we do is we work on subconscious patterning. So, we bypass the conscious mind using the methodology of muscle testing and kinesiology and we get to the root cause in the subconscious field that perpetuate the conscious experience that we’re living on a day-to-day basis. I started as a practitioner of kinesiology and ventured into other practices over the last three years, so it’s become a medley of different flavours. But in essence it’s kinesiology and it’s working on the subconscious mind. 

“I actually woke up feeling different, the world felt different so for me kinesiology is something that changes you on a multi dimensional level

You’ve studied a range of healing modalities from Craniosacral therapy, Spiral techniques and Quantum clearing. I know you said it’s mainly about kinesiology, but can you share a bit about your journey to discover all these healing modalities and how you combine them to create a unique practice? 

It’s mainly kinesiology, but I’m definitely upheld by my own personal practices and all the different paths of study that I’ve been on. When I was maybe 25, I did my first Vipassna which was foundational to me as an embodied human in this world and as a practitioner. I’ve done 6 Vipassana courses since I started. It was the first thing that started to open up my world to something beyond what I already knew because it helps you go so deep in your own inner realm. I started studying naturopathy. That kind of felt like it was on the right path but didn’t feel really true so I swapped into osteopathy, which was useful and awakening in a lot of ways, but it also didn’t feel like it was the core piece. I then started receiving kinesiology sessions off an incredible woman and it started to shift my life. 

Everything I’d done up until that moment felt like it was a tool to get to know myself, but nothing really changed in my external world. Then when I started working with kinesiology, my external world started to shift around me, which blew my mind. Things that I’d been journeying my whole life started to fall away and new experiences, new feelings. I actually woke up feeling different, the world felt different so for me kinesiology is something that changes you on a multi dimensional level, it doesn’t just work on the physical, mental or emotional, it works on the total being, so you have a total shift in your life. I went into studying that because it drew me in, it felt like magic to me, I felt like I was getting these magic tools. From there after I started practicing, I’d done the spiral and the quantum clearing and all these other modalities because I believed that on top of it, there’s so much out there that we can grow and learn from but as a practitioner I believe you need to continually evolve and showing up authentic to you and keep offering something. 


Is there a particular modality you favour over the others, or is it the combination that makes them powerful?

There’s a different combination of modalities of everyone for a different time. I think kinesiology was what I really needed at that time and it’s still my main go-to, but in the last 6 months I’ve needed more embodiment practices. I’ve needed to focus a lot more on dance and movement to help the integration part of things. I love kinesiology if you want to change patterns in your life and get to the root cause of things and have a total shift in your life, but I do believe you need to complement it with other modalities to help integrate and embody what you want. 

“The one that I hear the most is not feeling ‘enough’ — I feel it’s one of the biggest pieces and even a collective piece we might be shifting at the moment”

How do you choose which practices you need at the time?

I’m getting better at it, I think it’s intuitively. The more you’re connected and have time to listen to what your body wants, you’ll start to feel into what it needs . Some weeks I’ll need a lot of bodywork or massage, some I’ll need to run or do talking therapy, or some weeks you’ll need nothing. So I think it’s important to know your own system and what works for you. Every journey is unique, so it’s just trusting what feels right for you in the moment. 

A lot of your work is about identifying and unblocking limiting beliefs to reveal what you call our “unique core potential and innate wisdom.” What are the most common limiting beliefs you’ve seen come up in your practice?

It’s been so fascinating. Over the last three years I’ve really started to see core human patterns. I guess because the same wound will be expressed through everyone, but it will have a different story and a different flavour of emotions around it. The one that I hear the most is not feeling ‘enough.’ That really speaks to a lack of self worth and self acceptance. I feel it’s one of the biggest pieces and even a collective piece we might be shifting at the moment because it feels quite up in all conversations. A lot of my work around bringing people into their core potential is helping them come back into who they are and shedding the masks or behavioural patterns that they’ve adopted throughout life, to stay accepted, in a state of belonging, to stay loved. 

When first began to delve into the work of unblocking limiting beliefs, did you notice a big difference with what you started to attract in your life? 

My very first kinesiology sessions for me were working on self love. I didn’t have a connection to self love. I remember the time I woke up to that, I remembered being asked “do you love yourself” and I remember being equally upset because I’d lived most of my life not loving myself, but then also you know open to you know “oh my gosh that’s the piece that I need to work on.” So, a lot of mine was kind of working through the layers of human wounding of self love, self acceptance, self trust, self worth, you know all of these core pillars that we need to embody our true self. If we don’t have a strong foundation of self love, self acceptance and self worth, all of these foundational things, we can’t actually show up who we are, because we’ll have guards and masks blocking that. 

“We’re magnetic, creative beings and everything we’re experiencing is what we’re manifesting, so I think the level of self-worth changes the quality of what you’re manifesting.”


What did you notice in your outside world as you began to shift those things?

A lot actually. Opportunities coming my way. Probably the biggest shift for me was where I chose to spend my time and energy. As I started to gain more self love, self acceptance and self worth, I actually lived very differently. I didn’t indulge certain things that weren't nourishing me anymore. I learned to say no. This is something I didn’t have before. I didn’t have a permission to say no to things, I only had this imprint to say yes to keep people pleased and for me to stay safe and loved and accepted. As I started to build these core pillars of self love and acceptance and that started to be unwavering for me, my permission to say yes and no to things shifted. I think that’s how my life has changed, I started to show up differently to life. 

What did it feel like when you began to love yourself properly?

The memory that’s coming up for me, is I was driving from Bangalow down to Byron and you know that part of the road where you can start to see the water, I remember actually being able to taste joy, I could feel deeper. Because there was love for myself within me, there was an organic love of life and I love the sunshine, I loved the air breeze, you know it was that tangible for me. So I guess it shifted a lot in the way I received life and was received by life. 

“One of the issues with the whole manifestation craze is that it can put a spotlight on the good and creates a shadow over the bad.”

There’s a bit of a new wave of manifestation happening at the moment with people talking about the correlation between self-worth and manifestation and how it’s not our thoughts that manifest, but our level of self-worth. What are your thoughts on this and what does your manifestation process look like?

If you interviewed me five months ago I would’ve been like “yes you need self-worth to manifest things” and I do believe that, but I don’t think it’s the core piece, it’s part of the whole. We definitely need self worth or a connection to our self worth, because it determines the quality of what we manifest but the truth is, we’re manifesting all the time. We’re magnetic, creative beings and everything we’re experiencing is what we’re manifesting, so I think the level of self-worth changes the quality of what you’re manifesting. Your level of self-worth can actually give you permission to go after different things. So it definitely has an influence, but it’s also not the be-all-and-end-of-all of manifestation I don’t think, because there’s people out there manifesting incredible things, but maybe their self-worth is rocky. 

So when I’m manifesting, it always starts with intention and how I want to feel around that and how I want to feel in that intention. For me when I’m manifesting, I start hearing myself think these thoughts and speaking or start speaking words and I’m almost calling it in through my psyche and all of a sudden an experience will show up in front of me and I’m like “oh okay, here’s the experience in real life where I get to show up to this experience and interact with it in a way that I’ve intended and embody the experience” does that make sense? 

It sounds like you don’t see manifestation as separate from life, like everything is manifestation. Then the next thing is you set an intention and thinking of it in your mind without the contraction — not over desiring something, but not feeling small when you think about it either. 

That’s right, you need to be neutral to what you want to manifest. I love how you just put that, it’s not separate to life —we’re consistently manifesting and creating. So, in my experience, by bringing my conscious awareness to what I’m doing, where I want to go and then put action to that and then trust and let go of the whole thing, or not attach or grip to it and become almost neutral to it, that’s when you can embody it, that’s when the experiences show up in your life for you to actually interact with it. 

“Along that path you’re going to meet the aspects of self that need to be harmonised, healed and integrated for you to be the person that has that experience that you want to manifest”


If you’re feeling stuck and nothing’s coming to you, would you say that’s just part of life and you should roll with that? What would you say to those people feeling stuck?

I think we need to normalise that to be honest. One of the issues with the whole manifestation craze, is that it can put a spotlight on the good and creates a shadow over the bad. So in the weeks when we do feel stagnant and like things are going the opposite direction to what you want, it feels like there’s a lot more shame and distress around that at the moment because we’re all striving so much to be epic manifestors. But it all has to be normalised because when you set an intention and you want to manifest something, if there’s things in the way of that, that you need to experience, feel and let go of, you’re going to call those experiences in. So just by having a positive intention of calling something in, doesn’t mean that’s a golden path to get that thing. It’s also, along that path you’re going to meet the aspects of self that need to be harmonised, healed and integrated for you to be the person that has that experience that you want to manifest. It’s like purification, the more you can stay neutral and trust and not react to the obstacles, that’s when your path is smoother and when you’re in the flow, purely because you’re in a neutral resonance. 

That is a lot of the work I do. Through all of it we’re becoming awakened to our creative nature which we can use to manifest everything and it just feels like it needs to be a little bit more normalised and I think by reconnecting with our innate power, creativity and sexuality, we start to embody a resonance where manifestation becomes everyday life — like you’re experiencing what you want to experience just from being who you want to be. 

“When we say love and money are connected, that’s most probably true for everyone, but everyone’s going to have a different story around that”

What do you mean by creativity in this context?

I see creativity as our innate nature, especially as women — the work that I like to do is connect deeply to our creative source of power which is our womb, which is also our power center. For me, creativity is a way of life and it comes back to that piece that we’re creating ourselves and life and our experience everyday whether we’re conscious of it or not. So if we have everyday practices to bring our conscious awareness into our creative centre and start to connect there, the way we work with our innate being and our innate knowing and the way we create in the world will start to shift naturally, because you’re operating within your own system. It’s less about creating outward or seeking outward and it’s all about coming inward and feeling, sensing, trusting and opening up to your own creative channel and getting the guidance coming from there. For me, manifesting through that is so much more organic than trying a certain thing outside of me.  

They say love and money are connected. Why do you think so and have you experienced this correlation in your own life?

Definitely. When we say love and money are connected, that’s most probably true for everyone, but everyone’s going to have a different story around that. For me, starting to to shift those two aspects or energies was when I started to shift a lot around my money story and my relationship with money started to change. A lot of things get projected onto money, we project a lot of our power, safety, security, success onto money — but at the end of the day money is just an energy. So if we neutralise ourselves to money, that’s when we’re going to have the most flow with it, because we don’t need a certain amount of money to be loved, or however it plays out for people. If the word money or love strike a chord with you, for me it’s inviting inquiry. So for you to sit with “what does money and love mean to me” because it’s going to be different for everyone. 

“Our shadow will either play out unconsciously, or you can continuously go into your shadow to integrate”

I feel there’s a bit of a tension between the two spiritual worlds of manifestation and of the yogic or Buddhist idea of letting go and going with the flow. Do you believe these two things are contradictory? If not, how do you think these two approaches to life complement each other?

I think they can be depending on how you look at things. We all have the opportunity to come out of battle with things and if we want to neutralise ourselves, we come out of battle. If you’re in battle with life or you’re in battle with something, you’re not in your highest expression. So yes, I think for some people they will be at odds but really, anything that we have resistance against or battle with is our greatest teacher — we’re in a polarity swing with that thing, which means there’s something we need to integrate.  There has to be equal parts of everything. If we want to manifest something, we need action, but we also need surrender, we need to give and we also need to receive. We need to be in equal flow with all things we can’t just surrender to what we want and trust that it’s going to happen if we’re doing any practical actions. That’s why I teach neutrality so much because from neutrality, you have a beautiful present time consciousness to work with, so from that you can flow and act and move with life. From a place of neutrality when you’re moving through life, your receptivity is expanded, so you can hear messages you can receive from the field around you, so manifestation becomes this co-creation with the world and not just something you’re trying to get or do.

Could you share a bit about the kind of shadow work you do and how you’ve observed yours or your clients lives shift as a result of this practice?

I think shadow work can get a bit of a bad wrap, it’s a bit scary. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable to see and feel our own shadow. But at the end of the day if we’re not being self responsible and turning the mirror on self, we don’t actually grow and evolve. The thing is, we want to see the parts of ourselves that aren’t so nice or pretty, because that gives us the opportunity to integrate and evolve. Our shadow will either play out unconsciously, or you can continuously go into your shadow to integrate. That means how you show up in the world will be less shadowy, because you’re more aware of who you are and your behaviour when you’re wounded so you can manage that a bit more because no one else is responsible for us. I’ve seen incredible shifts with my clients with owning the deepest darkest parts of ourselves and validating and loving those parts of ourselves. 

“Carve your path, back yourself, trust yourself first and foremost, seek within before you seek without”


What personal practices or rituals do you do day-to-day?

I feel like I go through stages with things. I’ll be deep into something for a few months and then all of a sudden I’ll need something new. My core practice is intuitive body movement. Because of the work I do and for me I feel quite sensitive, I need to bring myself into my body quite regularly. So what I’ve been practicing lately is intuitive body movement, so dropping onto my hands and knees and moving so slow and bringing all of my consciousness into my body. You become a soul embodied. So my personal practice at the moment has been landing my soul in my body through intuitive movement because when I feel like when I show up after that, I’m much more stable. Or I run, running has always been my main meditative practice. I find dynamic meditations give me so much more. 

What is the best advice or insight you’ve ever received?

Stand in the surety of your own knowing. That was gifted to me from one of my mentors a few years ago and it was pivotal. It helps me stand in my own lane and stay out of comparison. Also, it’s better to make mistakes and fall over from your own knowing, rather than trust someone else and trip over. Carve your path, back yourself, trust yourself first and foremost, seek within before you seek without. I don’t stand in the healer role, I hold space and am constantly directing my clients back into themselves so they can connect with their own inner knowing, because no one outside of us knows more than us.

You can find Zoe at


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